All the latest from Springfield Camera Club - ANYTHING BEGINNING WITH ‘A’.
I can’t start without saying a big thank you to Steve for his commanding control over we lesser mortals since the last millennia. Everybody knows how much Steve has put into the club and he will be missed, though welcome as one of us now!
Chris now takes over the reins and we wish him good luck and lots of patience. His first gig in charge was the PDI competition ANYTHING BEGINNING WITH ‘A’. Some 70 entries tried our judge, Jane Barrett, sorely. But in the end Cathy took the first with an interesting abstract portrait of Dawn. Amongst the anchor images, Rob took the second with his unusual low angled view in monochrome from what looks like the delicious Maldon mud. Third was Tony with close and detailed shot of old and rusty ammeters from Churchill’s Bunker, very colourful. He also had a Highly Commended for a beautiful view of autumn trees with a mountain.
At the time of writing I have none of those images to display and can only show one of mine as an apology!